CookieYes Plugin Flash Screen Issue

This article will help you resolve a flash screen issue that might occur due to an incompatibility between the CookieYes plugin and Slider Revolution plugin.

Flash Issue from the CookieYes Plugin

CookieYes is a popular cookie consent plugin for WordPress websites. The plugin enables and shows a cookie acceptance/rejection notification box on your WordPress website.

The plugin is fully compatible with the Slider Revolution WordPress plugin. However, some minor issues can still occur even if two or more plugins are fully compatible.

In this case, the minor issue is that some users encounter a brief white flash issue on the screen when using Slider Revolution and CookieYes together.

Let’s learn more about the flash issue to find out if it is occurring for you too.

What is the Flash Issue?

The flash issue we’re referring to is a white screen that appears suddenly on a module [?] A module in Slider Revolution acts as a container for slides, which in turn act as containers for layers. Modules are created and edited with the module editor.

A "module" is a single, self contained piece of content. You can think of this as being similar to the way a post or page in regular WordPress is a self contained piece of content.

A module can represent any kind of content Slider Revolution is capable of creating, such as a slider, carousel, hero unit, navigation menu, posts display and so on.

Multiple modules can be combined to form rich content such as complete sites and landing pages.
and then quickly changes to the standard view.

This flash issue occurs on the front end of your website, where you have a Slider Revolution module added to a page. It could be your homepage or any inner page. If you’re unsure if the flash is related to Slider Revolution, you could also experiment with this on a test page with only a slider module and its content.

Sometimes you may not notice the flash until you actively look for it. So to help you spot the problem:

  • Navigate to a page that contains an added module.
  • If you are already on such a page, try reloading the page.
  • Wait for the module to play all slides till the end.
  • And look for any sudden white flash.

The issue is minor but annoying, and we have an easy fix. You do not have to disable or delete any plugins.

If you’d like, you can jump to the solution here, but so we better understand what we’re working with, let’s learn what cookies and GDPR are all about.

Everything About Cookies

A cookie is a small text file containing some data. The data can vary, but companies generally utilize it to identify you to provide you with the best user experience. For example, if you are shopping online, a cookie keeps track of all the items in your shopping cart, so you don’t have to check out each item separately.

The browser stores cookies in its cookie folder on the user’s computer. Because cookies are just essential text files, they don’t contain any viruses.

Everything About GDPR

GDPR is short for General Data Protection Regulation. This data privacy and protection act is under the European Union and the European Economic Area.

The sole purpose of this act is to provide control and rights to internet users over their data to ensure website operators aren’t misusing cookies. Users must be offered the choice to share their data or deny sharing, and cookie data must not be fetched without a user’s consent. Requesting such consent is the purpose of plugins such as CookieYes.

Now that we have learned about cookies and GDPR, we know a GDPR cookie consent plugin is essential. This is because it will keep you compliant with GDPR and reassure your website visitors that you will only save their data if given permission.

Next, let’s learn how to ensure you have a smooth cookie request process by resolving the flash issue that can occur with the CookieYes plugin.

Resolve the Flash Issue

You can resolve the flashing screen issue by adjusting the settings of the CookieYes plugin.

Head to your website dashboard:

WordPress Dashboard - CookieYes Flash Issue

Go to the Settings of the CookieYes plugin:

Settings option under GDPR Cookie Consent - CookieYes

Go to Customize Cookie Bar tab:

Customise Cookie Bar tab under the CookieYes plugin's Settings

Scroll down to the On-Load:

OnLoad option in the Customise Cookie Bar tab

Choose the Animate radio button:

Select the Animate settings for OnLoad option.

Click on the Update Settings button:

Click on the Update Settings button - CookieYes

Reload the page with the module to test for the issue.

Still, Experiencing the Flash? Contact Us

If the flash issue is still occurring, or you have any queries, feel free to contact our support team by opening a ticket or sending us an email ([email protected])

CookieYes Plugin Flash Screen Issue

The Author

Kashif Ahmed

Living by the motto "Be the reason someone smiles today."

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected].

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